Legacy Waste Disposal and Management
The treatment & disposal of Legacy MSW will be done by Bio-remediation and Bio-mining. A total station survey or drone mapping of dumping site is already done prior to start of the project. Bio-remediation & Bio-mining of Municipal Dumpsites: It refers to the excavation of old dumped waste and spray of BioCulture/Bioculum(for a period of 4 weeks) to make windrow of legacy waste thereafter stabilization of the waste through bio-remediation (for a period of 4 weeks) i.e. exposure of all the waste to air along with use of composting biocultures, i.e. screening of the stabilized waste to recover all 11 valuable resources (like organic fines, bricks, stones, plastics, metals, clothes, rags etc.) followed by its sustainable management through recycling, co-processing etc. Following Steps are required of Bio-mining & Bio-remediation of MSW dumps:
Legacy Waste Disposal and Management
Following Steps are required of Bio-mining & Bio-remediation of MSW dumps: The first step is to excavate legacy waste, spray of Bioculture/Bioculumfor a period of 4 weeks to loosen it and screen through Trommel having various Screen Size i.e. 4-10mm, 35-55 mm and 65-100 mm. The waste which is process through Trommel will following qualities as; 4-10 MM Screen Filters will be used as Manure/Compost to be utilize in Park/Gardens/Agricultural Use/Bio-remediation site. 35-55 MM Screen Filters mainly inert from the Old MSW will be utilize in filling of the Existing Dump-Site. 65-100 MM Screen Filters, mainly Plastic Waste from the Old MSW will be then sold/provided to various plastic collectors/buyers for their use in Industry/Manufacturing for Plastic Materials. Left Outs from 65-100 MM Filter will be send for Culture in Windrow for about 28 days. After 28 Days the Left Out will further process through Trommel repeating the Process.