Door to Door Collection and Transportation of Municipal Solid Waste

With the involvement of private sector the Urban Local Bodies were able to effectively insure the Collection and Transportation of MSW and are effectively able to reduce the cost of Collection and Transportation.

Collection is a function with many processes, waste is collected from all the verticals i.e. residential and industrial and the same is transferred at nearby centralized stations with respect to its location. Activity of Collection and Transportation comprises of: Primary Collection & Storage Outbound vehicles are directed to visit the defined locality for Door to door collection from Households and collections from Commercial Establishments/Institutions or any other source of garbage generation and the

Door to Door Collection and Transportation of Municipal Solid Waste

Establishments/Institutions or any other source of garbage generation and the same is stored at the defined place. Secondary Collection & Transportation In this phase, the loads of solid waste is collected from buildings, street bins, commercial apartments, industrial wastes, etc. and the same is screened for any suspicious or unauthorized materials and it than transferred to the defined transfer station. Transfer Station Management Transfer station management includes processes like weighing the solid waste, segregating the type of waste and utilization of the collection vehicle efficiently to move large volumes at disposal sites of both urban and rural market.